10. međunarodni kongres “Veterinarska znanost i struka” održati će se od 5. do 7. listopada 2023. u
organizaciji Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zadovoljstvo nam je predstaviti ugledne
pozvane predavače po sekcijama:
Small animals session
ROSWITHA DORSCH: Feline lower urinary tract disease
RENÉ DÖRFELT: Management of acute kidney injury patient
JIMMY SAUNDERS: Diagnostic imaging of canine and feline urinary tract
Exotic and wild animals session
ZDENEK KNOTEK: Safe anaesthesia for reptile surgery
HELENE PENDL: Avian and reptilian ecoimmunology
Veterinary public health session
BENIAMINO TERZO CENCI GOGA: The importance of preslaughter procedures on the quality and safety
of the meat
LUCIJA JURIŠIĆ: Towards the future: the role of veterinarians in the detection, characterization and
control of zoonotic pathogens
Farm animals session
OŽBALT PODPEČAN: Cattle welfare through regular veterinary health visits
LJUBODRAG STANIŠIĆ: Semen collection in stallion and artificial insemination in mare under field
Horses session
GAYLE HALLOWELL: Management of ophthalmic disease
MARK BOWEN: What information can you get from a cardiac examination?
Free Communications
BOJAN HAMER: Bioremediation of the marine environment using cultivated bivalve shellfish and
production of valuable biomass (mussel meal – shell powder)
ALEKSANDRA DUGANDŽIĆ: Thermogenesis and the use of thermocameras in medicine
Poveznica na program: https://vzs2023.eu/programe/
U sklopu kongresa održati će se i razne radionice:
- Inhalacijska anestezija (indukcija-održavanje-buđenje) pasa i mačaka
- How to deal with challenging equine medical cases
- Avian and reptilian hematology and cytology of inflammation
- Prijava zaraznih bolesti u maloj praksi
- Claw diseases and surgery in dairy cattle
- Praktična veterinarska stomatologija pasa i mačaka
- Clinical procedures and anesthesia in reptiles
- Osnove lokoregionalne anestezije pasa i mačaka
- TPLO tečaj
- Tehnike snimanja za radiološke uzgojne preglede pasa
- Automatizacija u mikrobiološkoj pretrazi hrane
- Koprološka pretraga pasa i mačaka
Link na radionice: https://vzs2023.eu/workshops/